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We believe in the doctrine of God. We believe that there is one true and living God, that He is creator and Father of all things, and that he is the Supreme Ruler of the World. The usual name given to God by the Hebrews translated into the English is Jehovah. This word Jehovah was so reverenced by the Ancient Hebrews that it was not generally pronounced. It’s place was taken in speaking by the words Adonai, Lord, Elohhim or

El-Shaddai, all of which are expressions for the attributes of God. ONE TRUE GOD.

WE BELIEVE IN THE PERSON AND SONSHIP OF JESUS CHRIST. The Bible plainly teaches that Jesus was a person and that he was born from the womb of Mary. His mother being the selected virgin chosen by God. We believe Jesus fully revealed God to man. We believe that Jesus was both human and divine.

We believe in the doctrine of theHOLY GHOST.The American versions substitutes for this word is Holy Spirit, the word in the Hebrew is Ruach, in the Greek is Pneuma-wind, air. In the Scripture the word Spirit is taken for the Holy-Ghost, the third person of the Trinity.

We believe in the Doctrine of BAPTISM. We believe in both the Baptism by water and also the Baptism of the Sprit. Water Baptism because it shows the sign of obedience. Jesus commanded it, the Spirit, because it is the work of God regenerating the hearts and minds of all who accept Christ to be both their Lord and Savior. (Mark 1:8:3:16;16:16).

We believe in the Doctrine of the LORD’S SUPPER. The Lord’s Supper is the memorial of the death of Jesus Christ for our sins. The bread represents His body and the wine represents His blood which was shed for the remission of sins.

We believe in the Doctrine of GRACE. Grace is the unmerited favor of God. The free mercy of God, or the enjoyment of His favor. God makes His goodness known and gives man the opportunity to enjoy it without having to pay for enjoyment.

We believe in the Doctrine of REDEMPTION. The word Redemption has the implication of buying back something that has been sold, it means to deliver and bring out of bondage those kept prisoner by the enemy. Adam sold humanity into slavery. Humanity was Satan’s Prisoner until Jesus Christ released it.

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